Location Berlin

WASEL Locatoin Berlin, Germany

Gehrenseestraße 19
13053 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 8320999 0

24-hour on-call service:
phone: +49 30 8320999 50

Your Contacts

Branch Management

Nicolai Knabe
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 829
e-mail: n.knabe@wasel-krane.de

Sales – Berlin/Brandenburg Region

Dennis Pangerl
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 082
e-mail: d.pangerl@wasel-krane.de

Rental – Berlin/Brandenburg Region

Mathias Scherer
phone: +49 30 8320999 54
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 300
e-mail: m.scherer@wasel-krane.de

Bernd Soost
phone: +49 30 8320999 53
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 550
e-mail: b.soost@wasel-krane.de

Scheduling & Planning

Dirk Lehnert
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 256
e-mail: d.lehnert@wasel-krane.de

In-House Service

Gabriele Zweig
phone: +49 30 8320999 50
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 890
e-mail: g.zweig@wasel-krane.de

Jacqueline Wartemann
phone: +49 30 8320999 63
e-mail: j.wartemann@wasel-krane.de

Spare Part Department 

Steffen Kämmerer
phone: +49 30 8320999 64
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 825
e-mail: s.kaemmerer@wasel-krane.de

Find what you need
Find what you need

Find what you need

Do you want to hire a mobile crane or request a heavy-duty transport service?
Or are you interested in our tower crane services?

You can find out more about our different business areas here:

Or do you have a different enquiry?
If so, simply give us a call:

+49 2271 465 0